Phnom Penh's Hidden Gem....“MaisonRuby”
* Scheduled date of move-in : August, 2011
- Currently for sale and Renting
- We provide loans for the 50% remainder (interest 12% per year)
- Reasonable maintenance fee
- Suitable facilities available (Internet connection, electricity, water supply, ...)
- Pool & Fitness available
- Free Shuttle bus Service(available for NISC, Sovanna department store, ISPP, BISPP, Lucky Market, etc.)
For anyone who hopes to visit our model house, we are very willing to provide a pick-up service
(Please contact to notify us before visiting)

(Please contact to notify us before visiting)

* Location of Maisonruby Condominium :
Place of conclusion of contract
952, Kork Chambok village, Sangkat Chom Chao,Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh.
Mobile : 012 380 114, 012 380 158, 017 558 365
* Area Table of Units (㎡)
* Price List of Supply Object ($)
Phnom Penh Commercial Bank(PPCP) will provide loan
for 1st & 2nd payment with small interest!
* Site Map

* Please visit our blog
for more information!!!
프놈펜의 숨겨진 보석....
후회하지 않으실 것입니다.
* 입주일정: 2011년 8월
- 임대문의 쇄도, 임대예약
- 잔금대출 50%, 연 12%
- 전기, 수도, 인터넷 최적 설비 및 세대별 계량기 완비, 관리비 저렴
- 옥외 풀장, 실내 휘트니스 완비
- 셔틀버스 무료 운행(노스브릿지스쿨, 소반나백화점, ISPP, BISPP, 럭키마켓 경유)

* 메종루비 아파트 위치
952, Kork Chambok village, Sangkat Chom Chao,Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh.
Mobile : 012 380 114, 012 380 158(영,한), 017 558 365
* 단위세대 면적개요 (㎡)
* 메종루비 분양안내 ($)
분양가의 40% 중도금대출 가능합니다!!
* 그간의 공사현황에 대한 자세한 정보는
방문해 주십시오!! ^^